Gaming keyboards are essential to gamers and their gaming experience. But, like any other tool, it requires proper maintenance and care to perform at its best. If you're experiencing issues with your gaming keyboard, it might be because of some bad habits you have developed over time. In this article, we'll share with you 15 tricks to help you kick your worst gaming keyboard manufacturers habits and keep your keyboard in excellent condition.

Clean Your Keyboard Regularly

One of the most common habits that gamers develop is neglecting to clean their keyboards regularly. Over time, dust, dirt, and debris accumulate on the keys and underneath them, affecting their performance. It's essential to clean your keyboard at least once a month to prevent this buildup. You can use a soft brush or a can of compressed air to remove the dust and debris.

Avoid Eating or Drinking Near Your Keyboard

Another bad habit that gamers have is eating or drinking while using their keyboard. Spilling food or drinks on your keyboard can cause significant damage, affecting the keys' performance and the internal components. Avoid eating or drinking near your keyboard, and if you must, make sure to keep your food and drinks away from the keys.

Don't Rest Your Fingers on the Keys

Some gamers have the habit of resting their fingers on the keys, even when they're not typing or gaming. This can cause the keys to wear out quickly and affect their performance. It's essential to keep your fingers off the keys when you're not using them.

Use the Right Pressure When Typing

Typing too hard on your keyboard can cause the keys to wear out quickly, affecting their performance. On the other hand, typing too lightly can result in missed keystrokes. It's essential to use the right pressure when typing to ensure that the keys perform optimally.

Avoid Slamming Your Keyboard

Some gamers have the habit of slamming their keyboard when they lose a game or get frustrated. This can cause significant damage to the keys and the internal components, affecting their performance. Avoid slamming your keyboard, and instead, take a break and calm down before resuming your game.

Keep Your Keyboard Away from Sunlight

Exposing your keyboard to sunlight can cause significant damage to the keys and the internal components. The heat and UV rays can cause the plastic to warp, affecting the keys' performance. It's essential to keep your keyboard away from sunlight and in a cool, dry place.

Don't Use Sharp Objects to Clean Your Keyboard

Using sharp objects to clean your keyboard can cause significant damage to the keys and the internal components. It's essential to use a soft brush or a can of compressed air to remove the dust and debris. If you must use a cleaning solution, make sure it's safe for your keyboard.

Avoid Using Your Keyboard as a Resting Place

Some gamers have the habit of using their keyboard as a resting place for their arms or other objects. This can cause significant damage to the keys and the internal components, affecting their performance. Avoid using your keyboard as a resting place, and instead, use a separate surface.

Keep Your Keyboard Elevated

Keeping your keyboard at an elevated angle can help reduce the strain on your wrists and fingers. It's essential to use a wrist rest or a keyboard tray to elevate your keyboard and keep it at a comfortable angle.

Don't Overuse Your Keyboard

Overusing your keyboard can cause the keys to wear out quickly, affecting their performance. It's essential to take breaks and give your keyboard a rest. You can also use multiple keyboards and switch between them to reduce wear and tear.

Use a Keyboard Cover

Using a keyboard cover can help protect your keyboard from dust and debris, spills, and other potential damage. A keyboard cover can be easily removed and washed, providing an extra layer of protection for your keyboard.

Keep Your Keyboard Software Up to Date

Keeping your keyboard software up to date can help ensure optimal performance and fix any bugs or issues that may arise. Check your keyboard manufacturer's website regularly for updates and install them as soon as they become available.

Use a Quality Mouse Pad

Using a quality mouse pad can help reduce the wear and tear on your keyboard's surface, preventing scratches and other damage. It can also improve your mouse's performance and accuracy, providing a better gaming experience overall.

Learn to Touch Type

Touch typing is a skill that can help reduce the strain on your fingers and wrists and improve your typing speed and accuracy. By keeping your fingers on the home row and using proper typing techniques, you can reduce the wear and tear on your keyboard and improve its longevity.

Invest in a High-Quality Keyboard

Investing in a high-quality keyboard from a reputable manufacturer can provide numerous benefits, including better performance, durability, and longevity. Look for keyboards that are designed specifically for gaming and have features such as mechanical switches, backlighting, and programmable keys.

In conclusion, by kicking these bad gaming keyboard habits, you can ensure that your keyboard performs optimally and lasts longer. Regular cleaning, proper usage, and investing in high-quality accessories can help maintain your keyboard's performance and provide a better gaming experience overall. With these 15 tricks, you can take care of your gaming keyboard and enjoy countless hours of gaming without any performance issues.